Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Killzone 2 - New screenshots at discountedgame

gmaes killzone2 at discountedgame
gmaes killzone2 at discountedgame
gmaes killzone2 at discountedgame
gmaes killzone2 at discountedgame
gmaes killzone2 at discountedgame
gmaes killzone2 at discountedgame
gmaes killzone2 at discountedgame
Guerrilla Games published some new Killzone 2 screenshots. discountedgame updates.

  • SCEA
  • Guerrilla
  • Sci-Fi First-Person...
  • Release: Feb 27, 2009

gmaes little big planet at discountedgame

gmaes little big planet at discountedgame
gmaes little big planet at discountedgame
gmaes little big planet at discountedgame
gmaes little big planet at discountedgame
gmaes little big planet at discountedgame

During an event TGS 2008 , Sony announced that there would be a gmaes downloadable content (DLC) for LittleBigPlanet players. We would be able to dress up our main male character Sackboy into Old Snake-main male character from Metal Gear Solid 4 and dress up into Sephiroth our all time famous evil character from Final Fantasy VII

Now PlayStation Asia website has announced that DLC wouldn't be only dressing up into Old Snake from Metal Gear Solid 4 or Sephiroth but we can also immitate Meryl Screaming Mantis and Raiden including new sticker from MGS4 !

Check back at discountedgame !

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