Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and Tower of Mirrors
From Square Enix

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Product Description
Five years have passed since the defeat of the Deathbringer, and the kingdom of Avalonia joyously celebrates what seems to be an everlasting era of peace. However, a closer look reveals that things are amiss. Calamity arises within the kingdom, as unfamiliar and powerful monsters invade the outskirts of the town. With the Deathbringer gone, what explanation is there for the onset of these monsters? And what of the queen, who has come to hide her face behind a strange mask? Make your way through the perilous journey, solve the baffling mysteries and return order to Avalonia.
Product Details
Amazon Sales Rank: #2966 in Computer & Video Games
Brand: Square Enix
Released on: 2008-02-20
ESRB Rating: Teen
Platform: Nintendo Wii
Dimensions: 2.00 pounds
The big three, comprised of series creator Yuji Horii, legendary manga artist Akira Toriyama and renowned composer Koichi Sugiyama, teams up once again to create an unforgettable gaming experience.
Famous game music composer Manami Matsumae teams up with Koichi Sugiyama to deliver a powerful soundtrack.
Wii Remote-driven battles are simple to control, but boast a variety of styles. Available actions range from a wide array of sword techniques to casting magic to blocking enemy attacks with your shield.
A colorful assortment of unique monsters familiar to DRAGON QUEST fans and vivid battle scenes make for the most realistic battle experience yet!
Combine materials to create stronger swords and learn special abilities.
Customer Reviews
DQS is a great pick-up and play RPG :

I think this game stands up really well as an introduction the the "Japanese RPG" genre of console games. It utilizes the Wii-mote very effectively gmaes play is solid and fun. The visuals are bright and beautiful and the voice acting the best I've heard in a Japanese-to-English port. The story is a fun and typical entry in the genre and works well. I am a "casual" gamer ... with little more than a few hours at a time to commit to playing the gmaes and I found the length to be satisfactory. I find nothing to complain about in the game and enjoyed playing it immensely. Bonus, as the interface is so very simple, my 3 year old daughter was able to play through an entire "dungeon level" with very little assistance from me. She was so excited to be able to play "daddy's" game. I was pretty proud of that myself. I am a fan of old school RPGs and give this a strong recommendation.
Yuck. :

I pre-ordered this gmaes , convinced that it would be just as awesome and consuming on the Wii.
However, I wish I had waited and rented it. We loved Dragon Quest VIII because of the unlimited freedom to explore. This gmaes 's rail system ends all of that. Oh, you can turn left or right every so often when exploring an area, but you still have to go back to the intersection and take the correct path. The swordplay feature is ok, although not very accurate. Loading between areas is also time-consuming, even in areas of the one town where you play.
For an RPG, this gmaes is terribly confining. If you want a good RPG for the Wii, I would highly recommend Zelda. I know I'll be trading this game in as soon as possible.
It's fun for what it is, but lower your expectations :

I enjoyed Dragon Quest Swords more than other folks simply because I had read a lot of negative reviews prior to playing it and I wasn't expecting much. I get the feeling that some of the critics were expecting a first-person Dragon Quest RPG with real action battles. This is actually more like a light-gun gmaes where you use swords and have the ability to do some mild RPG tweaks to your character. The RPG elements are about as extensive as Shining in the Darkness for Sega Genesis, that is, they are about as basic as you can get. For what it is, though, Dragon Quest Swords is very good.
The accurate sword and shield controls add a lot of strategy and fun to the experience, but again, you need to reset your expectations. You can't simply flail your arms around and expect the Wii to read your motions. You have to hold your wrist fairly steady and slash in a controlled motion as prescribed by the gmaes. The result is a game that almost always reads your motions accurately. The only thing I'm having trouble mastering is the thrust/stab motion.
If you are expecting to hear Dragon Quest music performed and recorded from a real orchestra like in Dragon Quest VIII, you may be taken aback by the fact that the Swords soundtrack is in the MIDI format. The compositions are beautiful, but the quality is a step down from what we got on Playstation 2.
People are saying that this gmaes is too short. I hear some folks saying it can be completed in 4 hours. These people probably didn't play through the levels more than once and try to improve their score. They probably didn't explore all the branching paths and see everything there is to see. It took me 9 hours to beat the main gmaes, and after you beat the quest NEW branching paths open up in each of the 8 levels, so there is some exploring to be done after the credits roll.
Overall, DQS is getting a bad rap because people's expectations are set too high. That's not to say I think the game is worth the full $50, however. If I were you I'd wait for a price drop or rent it, and then you'll be able to feel like you're getting your money's worth.
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