Basic gmaes fighting
- There are 2 styles for us to fight- press square button (to attack hp) or press round button (to attack to steal brave).
- Brave is digit on HP gauge. Brave is the attack to decrease HP.
- ATK is an attack to steal brave from an enemy.
- DEF is a defense from having our brave stolen by an enemy.
- CP -is there to pur ability in.
- LUK matters to item dropping rate, battle rise, and calling Ex cor near you
- press R+X is a movement during defensive period.
- press R+4 to enter ex mode
- press R+0 to call monster (if you attached this ability) One monster will appear only once during a fight.
- When you're run out of brave, you still live. We call that state- break.
-Different item will add different status. Sword adds ARK. Gloves add DEF. Cap adds BRV. An outfit around a body adds HP.
- There're 4 types of ornaments. The first type is to give a whole result. The second type is to enhance the first type. The third type is to give the individual result. The last one is a material to trade with shops.
- Ornaments that come with conditions will indicate what the conditions are and will indicate what the result of the first ornament is when we attach them together.
- The result from the ornament that gives the individual result will not be effected when we attach this ornament with another.
- When we put combination skills into ornaments, results in skill under a specific circumstance during fighting will be 1.5 2.3 3.4 5 7.6 times per one condition of the ornament we attached.
- There are 5 levels of ornaments, Gold stars(S) A B C D
- We can add up to 10 slots for ornaments by trading Rosetta at the shops in Etc area.
- Bad news. Ornaments can be destroyed ,sometimes, after the fight. You can find more information on this topic in your help page in the gmaes.
Battle Rise

- Is when we have our characters completed 1 out of 4 conditions during a fight.
- On Battle rise page will let us know which character when completed a condition would give which ornaments. The higher level of that character, the more likely ornament dropping. The more ornaments that character had them dropped, the more varieties of ornament he will get.
- If he can make an ornament drop but he lose the fight, he will lose the ornament.
- Rise rate can be increased by adding LUK, wearing ornaments, or fight with a higher level enemy.
- AP when we fight with our ability attached, we will get AP. When ability master is decreased, sometimes we will get new ability. If the new ability is one of those attack ability, we can , most of the time, use combos with the new ability.
- PP is one of the currency we can by systems that are not item from PP catalog.
- DP is there for the final story point of our own story ending.
- When DP is deducted to 0. We still can move. Even if our DP is minus, we still can move. For it's effect is at the ending of the story.
- DP effects the stage bonus. The more DP, the better stage bonus.
- story point effects the story bonus. At the end of the story, game will trade story point into bonus.
- Everytime we fight (win or lose), Jokoba will make one more move and will add percent of lucky.
- A distance Jokoba moves will be up to the time we play in 1 day. At the beginning of the gmaes, gmaes will let us choose how much we want to play per day. The more we choose to play is the more distance will move.
-The recieval of Kisal vegetable is up to the percent of lucky under Jokoba.
- When Jokoba recieves Kisal vegetable, we will recieve exp bonus for the next fight.
- If we change our plan during the gmaes, Jokoba will rest and the distance will be reset. The lucky percent will be back to 0.

- In a calender, there will be an information of which day is for the special bonus.
- At the beginning of the games, gmaes will let us choose the day we will play the most. That day will be a special day that effects AP GIL PP EXP Bonuses and even more- we will get a discount in shops.
check back at discountedgame for further information