Pro Evolution Soccer 2008
From Konami
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Product Details
Amazon Sales Rank: #363 in Computer & Video Games
Brand: Konami
Released on: 2008-03-18
ESRB Rating: Everyone
Platform: Nintendo Wii
Dimensions: 2.00 pounds
Discover a more immersive, vivid soccer experience than ever before
Improved long-range and close-range ball control, passing, and player-specific moves
Master League and Cup modes are built up even better than last year's gmaes
New teams like club favorites Spurs, Newcastle, Anderlecht, and Basel
Proprietary AI system TeamVision offering the most intelligent competition available
Editorial Reviews
The world's most popular soccer gmaes is back under a new name, Pro Evolution Soccer 2008. Formerly Winning Eleven, PES 2008 builds upon the competitive spirit embodied by its predecessor with some major improvements. PES gamers will discover a more immersive, vivid soccer experience than they've ever played! PES 2008 features new animations, new clubs and leagues, and online play! Above all else, the new "TeamVision" AI system is more intelligent than ever. Hot-shots will have plenty of new moves to show-up their opponents, or get shown-up so tape those ankles!
PES's pursuit for realism is evident with improved long-range and close-range ball control, passing, and player-specific moves.
Master League and Cup modes are built up even better than last year's gmaes.
New teams like club favorites Spurs, Newcastle, Anderlecht, and Basel, plus national sides from England, Brazil, Portugal, Greece, and Scotland.
Features the proprietary AI system TeamVision offering the most intelligent competition available.
Customer Reviews
Finally, a real soccer gmaes ...!

The wait for a genuine soccer gmaes is over, Pro Evo 2008 exceeds all expectations thanks to an imaginative control scheme that plays like a cross between a traditional sports title and a real time strategy game. The point/drag/click interface works beautifully on offense, allowing you to patiently build up attacks while controlling every player on screen. The defensive controls pale in comparison, but still offer more than enough options to repel most attacks as long as you don't succumb to the 'chase the ballhandler and attempt to slide tackle at every opportunity' syndrome. Online play is close to flawless, if a bit vanilla. Hopefully they'll beef up the online component in the next release. Overall, a great gmaes and well worth the forty bucks.
For us old gmaes , this is the Future...!

I am 33y old and played the gmaes for couple hours with my younger brother in-law and we both loved it. That gmaes remind me the earlier PC gmaes on various systems (Atari, Commodore 64, Amstrad 6128, spectrum, etc) where the gmaes play was the first reason on buying/playing a gmaes and not the graphics.
It is revolutionary the way you manage your team. Definitely takes time to be familiar but the tutorials are excellent to guide you on anything you need to know about this gmaes.
That is not the gmaes that you can pick up and play correct right away without going through the tutorial but is challenging and difficult enough to push you further on learning and become better on it.
If you are NOT a big fan of soccer games then my suggestion is to check some youtube videos or rent it from a video store before buying it. Definitely you'll be surprised.
My final verdict for that gmaes is 100% awesome and you'll love it.
Revolutionary sports gmaes !

Unlike the disappointing 360 and PS3 versions, the Wii version of Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 is not only fantastic, it revolutionizes how sports gmaes can be played.
What the Wii allows is for the player to point and drag players across the screen, allowing players to control the entire team, rather than only the individual with the ball. This allows players to fake runs, overload sides, and create their own set-plays dynamically. While there is an initial learning curve, PES 2008 Wii allows you to play the truest form of soccer that has been made.
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