gmaes Developer(s) Guerrilla gmaes
gmaes Publisher(s) SCEE
gmaes Designer(s) Mathijs De Jonge
gmaes Platform(s) PlayStation 3
gmaes Release date February 2009
gmaes Genre(s) First-person shooter, Action
gmaes Mode(s) Single-player, Multiplayer, Online multiplayer
Media Blu-ray Disc
Input methods SIXAXIS controller, DualShock 3
Killzone 2 is an upcoming hard sci-fi first-person shooter for the PlayStation 3 video game console, currently in developement by Guerrilla gmaes and to be published by Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. It is the third installment in the Killzone franchise that originally began on the PlayStation 2. It was first announced at E³ 2005 in Los Angeles, California, and is set for release in early 2009.
Killzone 2 appears to take place entirely on Helghan, the home-world of the Helghast who invaded an ISA colony in previous Killzone installments. The player controls Sev, a member of a special forces unit of the ISA. During the invasion of Helghan, you and your unit deploy behind enemy lines to help the main invasion force progress.
Development and Press Releases

Killzone 2 at Sony's press conference at E3 2007.

Three Screenshots of Killzone 2 from Sony's PlayStation Day.
E3 2005
At E3 2005, Killzone 2 was debuted with a trailer depicting a soldiers landing in a hostile war-zone and fighting Helghast forces. Critics in the media argued that the trailer shown at the E3 2005 trade show did not show actual gameplay footage, as its high level of visual detail has been argued to be impossible to render in real-time on the PlayStation 3. SCEA's Vice President, Jack Tretton, was quoted as saying that the Killzone footage, that was believed to be pre-rendered,"is possibly real" and "is real prerendered gameplay", but it was later claimed that Tretton was referring to Resistance: Fall of Man. Several days after the demo, Phil Harrison, SCEA Europe's VP of development, stated in an interview that all of the PS3 gmaes footages at E3 2005 was "running off video" which was "done to PS3 spec" using "in-gmaes assets" and "some things were rendered". Tim Miller of the CG studio Blur stated in 2006 that they had turned down the offer to create the Killzone 2 clip, and that "a company in Scotland had worked on it".
GDC 2007
At the gmaes Developers Conference in 2007, A Killzone 2 teaser was shown behind closed doors, and was never released to the public. It featured various battles, destructible environments, and lighting effects among others.
E3 2007
Killzone 2 was shown to a panel of journalists at a special pre-E3 2007 event in Culver, California, and then the next day to the public at Sony's E3 press conference. An in-gmaes trailer showing real-time gameplay of Killzone 2 was also released, along with several videos of extended gameplay.
A number of media outlets since E3, such as the BBC, have referred to Killzone 2 as being "one of the most cinematic and immersive gmaes ever produced on a console."
Sony's Playstation Day 2008
At Sony's Playstation Day, the second level in Killzone 2's single-player campaign was presented, named "Corinth River". Killzone 2 has seen considerable graphical improvements since E3 2007, and demonstrates advanced particle and lighting effects among others.
Very little information has been given out about the online aspects of Killzone 2, other than the fact that there will be online gameplay. Only a few words were given out by Sebastian Downie, the QA manager, in a short blog on the official website. "Me and my boys have been mostly busy testing Online this past week and making sure that the rewards and ranking are working as intended as well as checking the collision and geometry for MP02, also known as “Road Block” currently, but I’m sure it’ll get a much more exciting name before release. I can’t really give you much in the way of details about Multiplayer otherwise, even though I am itching to share it all with you. I guess you’ll have to wait a wee while longer though." Regarding the possibility of hold a Beta test for the gmaes , Downie revealed in posting on the forums: "Of course there is going to be a public beta. I have always said that any gmaes that has an online mode needs to go through a public beta to ensure it works as intended...More on a beta later this year."
Technical Information
Michal Vallent, a Senior Programmer at Guerrilla gmaes , presented details of their Killzone 2 Engine at a Developers Conference in July 2007. Killzone uses a Deferred Rendering engine that integrates MSAA (Multisample anti-aliasing). The Cell Processor will also parallel process geometry and indirect lighting.
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