From Nintendo
games 108 new or used available from $301.94
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games Product Details
Amazon Sales Rank: #9 in Computer & Video Games
Brand: Nintendo
games Model: 0045496880019
gmaes Released on: 2006-11-19
games Platform: Nintendo Wii
games Dimensions: 4.50" h x 10.00" w x 15.00" l, 7.50 pounds
games Features
Plays two disc formats in a single, self-loading media bay
Features a processing chip from IBM and a graphics chip from ATI
Backwards compatible with all Nintendo GameCube games and most peripherals
Built-in Wi-Fi access for easy connection to Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection gaming service
games Editorial Reviews
Nintendo's Wii video game system (pronounced "we") brings people of all ages and video game experience together to play. This simple yet ground breaking idea is expressed not only though the system's evocative name, which is easily pronounced in a variety of languages, and suggests two players side by side, but also through its innovative list of features and extensive list of playable titles.

Wii with Wii Remote. View larger.
A Little Box With Plenty of Power
As with every console, much of the buzz surrounds the specs. The Wii boasts 512 MB of internal flash memory, two USB 2.0 ports, and a slot for SD memory expansion. The system's technological heart -- a processing chip developed with IBM and code-named "Broadway" and a graphics chipset from ATI code-named "Hollywood" -- deliver stunning performance. And instead of a tray, Wii uses a single, self-loading media bay that plays both 12-centimeter optical discs used for the new system, as well as Nintendo GameCube discs.
Revolutionary Control
No bigger than a small traditional remote control, the wireless Wii Remote is a truly multi functional device. The magic of the Wii Remote's design lies within; acellerometers inside the controller measure movement in all directions and at all speeds. In a tennis game, it serves as your racket as you swing away. In driving games it serves as a steering wheel, allowing you to swerve to avoid obstacles or pickup power-ups. In first-person shooters, it acts as a firearm that you can point directly at an on-screen enemy. The controller also has a force feedback "Rumble" feature and an expansion port for use with accessories, such as the Nunchuck, which adds an analog thumbstick and trigger buttons. The system allows for up to four controllers to be linked at a time and utilizes standard Bluetooth wireless technology. For those who prefer the feel of a traditional controller an adapter is available that fits over the Wii's remote.

Nintendo's Wii video game system (pronounced "we") brings people of all ages and video game experience together to play. This simple yet ground breaking idea is expressed not only though the system's evocative name, which is easily pronounced in a variety of languages, and suggests two players side by side, but also through its innovative list of features and extensive list of playable titles.
Wii with Wii Remote. View larger.
A Little Box With Plenty of Power
As with every console, much of the buzz surrounds the specs. The Wii boasts 512 MB of internal flash memory, two USB 2.0 ports, and a slot for SD memory expansion. The system's technological heart -- a processing chip developed with IBM and code-named "Broadway" and a graphics chipset from ATI code-named "Hollywood" -- deliver stunning performance. And instead of a tray, Wii uses a single, self-loading media bay that plays both 12-centimeter optical discs used for the new system, as well as Nintendo GameCube discs.
Revolutionary Control
No bigger than a small traditional remote control, the wireless Wii Remote is a truly multi functional device. The magic of the Wii Remote's design lies within; acellerometers inside the controller measure movement in all directions and at all speeds. In a tennis game, it serves as your racket as you swing away. In driving games it serves as a steering wheel, allowing you to swerve to avoid obstacles or pickup power-ups. In first-person shooters, it acts as a firearm that you can point directly at an on-screen enemy. The controller also has a force feedback "Rumble" feature and an expansion port for use with accessories, such as the Nunchuck, which adds an analog thumbstick and trigger buttons. The system allows for up to four controllers to be linked at a time and utilizes standard Bluetooth wireless technology. For those who prefer the feel of a traditional controller an adapter is available that fits over the Wii's remote.

Wii with cradle. View larger.
A Channel for Everyone
More than just a game machine, Wii also provides information and entertainment suitable for every member of the family. Some of the channels available include:
Mii Channel - Miis are cute little caricatures you create to use as characters in a variety of Wii software. Store Miis on your Wii or load them onto your Wii Remote and take them over to a friend's house to use on their Wii.
Everybody Votes Channel * - The Everybody Votes Channel is packed with national and worldwide polls. Answer interesting questions and have your say. Up to six members of your family can vote. Just choose an answer and check in later to see the results.
News Channel * - Wii might be great for games, but you can also use it to get updates on the latest news from across the Internet organized into easy-to-browse categories.
Forecast Channel * - Your Wii can automatically update you on the weather from around the globe.
Wii Shop Channel * - Download the Opera web browser and access games from classic consoles from the past. All you need is a Wii Points account.
Virtual Console - Every Virtual Console game you download from the Wii Shop Channel appears in the Wii Menu as a separate Channel ready to select and play any time you like.
Wii Message Board - Leave or receive messages for other family members on the calendar-based message board or use WiiConnect24 to send messages to people outside your home.
Internet Channel * - Just download the Opera browser for 500 Wii Points and within minutes, you'll be a professional sofa surfer, pointing-and-clicking your way around the web with your Wii Remote.
Photo Channel - Show off all your digital photos on your TV. Just insert an SD memory card into your Wii and away you go.
Disc Channel - The Disc Channel is backwards compatible with Nintendo GameCube, so you can play all your new Wii discs, along with all your classic Nintendo GameCube discs too!
The Depth of the Nintendo Game Catalog
Each Wii comes with a game compilation called "Wii Sports," including tennis, golf, baseball and bowling games, that show off the console's intuitive new controller, but Wii also plays games developed specifically for it as well as fan-favorite games from Nintendo's 20-year-old library. Its drive is compatible with GameCube discs, and select Nintendo titles from the original NES of the 1980s all the way through the Nintendo 64 are available for download through the "Virtual Console" for $5 and $10 respectively. To support this backwards compatibility the Wii includes four ports for classic Nintendo GameCube controllers and two slots for Nintendo GameCube Memory Cards. As if that weren't enough, the Virtual Console will also make available a few titles from SNES console contemporaries, Sega Genesis and TurboGrafx 16.
Also, Wii utilizes Nintendo's newly-announced wireless feature, WiiConnect24. This worldwide feature allows players to receive content such as Wii Message Board messages sent from other Wii consoles, Miis, e-mails, updated channel and game content, and notification of software updates even while the console is on standby, keeping the fun going even when you are not online.
* Access to some channels may require your Wii needs to be set up with WiiConnect24.
Customer Reviews
If you have kids you better buy this product.

This console it's great for kids and for the old. It promotes active playing not just sitting and present buttons. I have nephews who play the wii sports game and they actually sweat playing it, specially the boxing games. It's also fun to play against older people. I say buy it.
Try It First

Personal admission - I at least aspire to be some form of video game reviewer, and the Wii was the last console this generation that I've purchased by a long margin, largely because I suspected from the beginning that I would hate it forever. Turns out I was right. Most of my commentary following will at least aspire to neutrality, but just so the dedicated Nintendo fans can dismiss me now, I'm not among those who welcome any stupid idea from the company with open arms.
I hate this thing. I hate it with every fiber of my being. When the next console comes out I will take this thing out to a big field and smash it to pieces with a whiffle ball bat. I hate it for being the only repository for modern Nintendo console games and I hate that so many other people like it and I just don't understand what they're seeing.
But what, you might ask yourself, is my deal? Well, for one thing, I don't like the controls. At all. When I play a video game, I like being able to immerse myself in the game and not think about what I'm doing with my hands and body. The Wii takes that away from me and puts me back in the same position I was when I was eight years old and trying to figure out what the different between A and B were on my NES. This is an individual response, but as far as I'm concerned, waving my arms around like I'm hitting a baseball doesn't make me feel like I'm playing baseball - it makes it very obvious to me that I'm not interacting with my on-screen avatar in an easy or efficient way.
The upside of this is that if you're a casual games or a newcomer to the field of computer games, you'll probably have an easier time warming up to the controls that I did. The irony is delicious, really. I certainly get what the charm would be for a person who doesn't play many games, but truly "hardcore" players who have spent years upon years learning how to work a DualShock might want to try the system out extensively before purchase.
The second reason I hate the system has to do with the fact that it doesn't support HD, and this is something that everybody needs to think about. The Wii can output a 480p widescreen signal, which is fine for a regular SD televisions, but you definitely need to check the performance for standard definition on an HD set before you invest. Most low-end high definition sets don't come with Feroudja upscalers, and that can lead to some really, really awful looking SD, including whatever comes out of your Wii. It's definitely a good idea to track down the proper settings for your particular set if this sort of thing is important to you.
I am, of course, being quite harsh. My mileage with the system has been and will continue to be terrible because of my reaction to the controls, but anybody not subject to my own strange prejudices will probably have a reasonable time. While there's a shortage of monumentally great games (at least, as a percentage of total game output), there are plenty of wonderful titles that you can find for the system, and it's likely that your children will have a fun time with it. The best thing you can do in this case is to do some research on your own television's performance and play with the thing in a store before you buy, just to be sure that you'll like it once you get it home. For my part, I know that I'm not enjoying my purchase at all, but it's entirely likely that you might.
The ultimate party games

The Wii is a social games, unlike PS3 or Xbox360 playing the Wii on your own is not really much fun. It really comes into its own when you have a friend or friends over and everyone takes turns on the sports and other gmaes.
I think we paid for the Wii in the number of bowling games we've had out of it alone.
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